
Expanding your Social Freedom - Education

The only way to become comfortable in all social situations is to bring out the true you by consistently exposing yourself to uncomfortable activities. This will give you a thicker skin to break through social barriers. The strangest thing about unveiling the true you is that you might not even know the type of person you are until youve really exposed yourself to enough people and social situations. Its difficult to know what youre truly capable of until you expand your own comfort zone.

Having a high degree of social freedom is being able to say, feel and act like your true self in any social situation without fear of rejection or failure. Its a matter of being outgoing and social with people without concern for breaking social norms. It is simply being comfortable in unfamiliar or uncomfortable social situations. Youll never be truly confident in yourself until you learn how to manage yourself in awkward moments and how to control the environment around you. When youre socializing and expanding your comfort zone, you will undoubtedly be exposed to uncomfortable situations, and its important to control how you react to that discomfort. For example, if you approach someone and then realize that their boyfriend or girlfriend is right next to them, then youre in a potentially awkward situation. How would you react to these types of situations?

This does not necessarily mean you should do everything your brain tells you at every moment. There is a natural filter in your brain for a reason, and it should never go away completely. The only problem is that social anxiety can be a major inhibitor to doing things that will make you most successful in life such as approaching the person of your dreams or confronting your boss for a pay raise. The true benefit is that you will always have a choice. Being able to choose when you want to say, do and feel things will inevitably allow you reach your own goals in life.

Social freedom is essentially the polar opposite of social anxiety. Imagine if you lost the part of your brain that censored all your thoughts and inhibitions. What would you be like? How would you act around others? What would your true personality be like? Chances are that it would be different than how you act today with most people. This concept is critical to being successful in dating because it will help you to meet more people, be more confident when you meet them, and not fear rejection every time you say, feel or do something outside of the social norm.

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