
Why the culture of corruption is very difficult to eradicate?

Corruption is taking the right actions, both overt and covert committed by a person or group. Corruption is such a evil and sinister, is still being done by most of the head of local government and corruption society. It was sad to see inequality corrupt law enforcement with other petty criminals. In fact, if you see corruption as a criminal, he kept a pile bigger motive for the crime. Corruption is not just stealing property, is also an act of embezzlement, robbery, betrayal and the disintegration of the noble values ​of life. From the aspect of leadership, corruption is close to what is called treason and bribery. Corruption can be smoothly because the perpetrator can not be trusted and a traitor minded public mandate.In addition, swing free from the shackles of the corrupt law because it knows how to bribe to certain parties, with both based on the principle of mutual benefit.

Corruption is not just a question of law alone, but also the social, economic, political, cultural and religious. Unequal social reality, people's widespread poverty and inadequate salaries and wages received by a worker, the outbreak of lust of power politics, culture in mental shortcuts rather bypass the rules, and the depoliticization of religion is increasingly shallow faith, everything that has made corruption the more fertile and difficult to eradicate, as well as the many layers of society and national components involved in corruption. Therefore, social deconstruction can not be ignored and we need to design and make it happen in the new anti-corruption community.

These are some actions that can be done to prevent acts of corruption, among others:
1. Cult to be done to eradicate the culture of paternalism among the holders of public office. In office-based career (ending pensions) and politics (limited time servant) who gave birth to seniority often creates a feeling shy.

2. Suppress cultural gifts or "envelope". Corruption could be more fertile one for gift-giving culture growing uncontrollably. In fact, prizes were awarded to people who have public authority has been reduced meaning. For smooth and keep the interest of mutual understanding.

3. Avoid dependence of communalism. Attitudes depend on "collective community", whether political parties, organizations or groups have made many policy makers feel indebted services. Until, that every decision issued by the authority can not be independent and free.

4. Instant kill attitudes, permissive and hedonistic. Corruption occurs because the awareness of the value of working hard and just less of a concern. The procedure was circumcised in order to achieve greater effectiveness with the results of operations and capital is relatively small.

Cultures which perpetuate corrupt practices should be deconstructed through a mechanism of political, legal, educational, social and cultural. In corruption, there are many crimes that harm the value of the rule of law, politics, social communities, customs, morals, religion and harm the public interest. Ironically, conducted a public official.


Binality of Politics

The temptation to live for people, according to the Javanese is a treasure, women, and the throne. Property into the temptation of life in the sense of lack of or excess concerning the economic well-being. People in poverty are vulnerable mired in disbelief. Poverty-stricken people destitute will be easily seduced by the social environment to pawn his honor. Poverty can make people do not use unhealthy reason that he was tempted to steal, sell self-esteem with sexual prostitution (PSK), and political prostitution as a broker and the corruption of political losers and sell the excess Welfare justice means riches. 

Wealth will also be able to tempt a person to behave strangely like the riotous, extravagant (isyraf and tabdzir), behave in the persecution of the poor, want to grab power through money and assets owned, then there was "money politics", and deviant sexual behavior or minus the moral with playing other types as satisfying lust. 

Woman as tempter is meant a surge of libido suksual symbolized by the word woman. Blind love put into dominant sexual desire and affects the flow of thought and the measures taken. Sexual desire if it has a life orientation, then the individual is making all the decisions in her life is a transaction for the benefit of self-satisfaction. Wealth and power that should be a medium to draw closer to God and social communities otherwise be used to obtain sexual satisfaction to anyone interested.
Throne of tempting someone to do wrong against its people behave. Ideally, property or economic capacity, woman, or the lust-lust (which can make humans survive on earth), and the throne of political power or serve as a medium for devotion to God and neighbor. To that end, every individual is capablealert, remember and guard against temptation and able to set it will be the potential for the good life.
In a political context that occurred recently, as binalitas politics because politics is not just greedy money (wealth) and power (the throne) or the banality of politics, but also sex-starved (binality of politics). Characteristics banal and wanton in our politics is very embarrassing and has relativized the principle of political morality in personal moral deficit that shows public officials and political moral deficits in general. Game of money, promises of office, and sex services in the politics of moral decadence indicators show a very alarming.


Gerebeg (Solo)

Gerebeg administered three times in one calendar year / Javanese calendar which is on Mulud twelve months (three months), the date one month of Sawal (tenth month) and the tenth month of the Great (twelfth month). On the day the day the king issued donate as a manifestation of gratitude to God for the prosperity of the kingdom. Charity, called the Hajad Dalem, a pareden / mountains consisting of mountains and mountains Kakung estri (male and female).

Kakung mound shaped like a cone beheaded with a slightly rounded upper edge. Most mountains are made ​​up of vegetables are green beans coupled with red chili, duck eggs, and some other dry food supplies. On the right and left sides fitted with a series of flag Indonesia is small in size. Estri mound shaped like a flower basket full of flowers. Largely composed of dry food made ​​from rice or glutinous rice is circular and pointed. Mountains of Indonesia is also decorated with small flags next to it.

Suro, Night One (Solo, Indonesia)

Night one suro in Javanese society is a celebration of new year according to the Javanese calendar. Night began to fall one suro sunset on the last day of last month Javanese calendar (30/29 Big) until sunrise on the first day of the first month of next year (1 Suro). In Surakarta Palace ceremony was celebrated with Carnival Mubeng Beteng (processions Surrounding Fort Palace). This ceremony begins from the north through the gate of the complex Kemandungan Brojonolo
then circled around the palace area in the direction opposite the direction of rotation clockwise and ends at page
Kemandungan north. In this procession heritage palace into the main part and is positioned in the front row and then
followed by the princes palace, employees and ultimately the public. A unique is at the forefront
placed heritage in the form of a flock of albino buffalo named Kyai Slamet is always the center of attention

Javanese Culture of the Hereditary

Kenduren (selametan) is a tradition handed down from antiquity, that prayer together at the neighbors attended and led by traditional leaders or in every neighborhood, and who served in the form Tumpeng, complete with dishes. Cone and side dishes to share with the future in the present which is called "Carikan" there is also a mention with the Blessing.
Carikan (thanks)
The purpose of kenduren itself is asking for the survivors in prayer, and his family, kenduren itself various kinds, among others:
* Kenduren wetonan (wedalan) In wetonan named because the goal is to selametan on the day of birth (weton, Java) a person. And done by almost every citizen, usually a family one of the celebrated weton, which is the oldest in the family. Kenduren is done in routine every day selapan (1 month). Usually the menu just a cone and its grain side dishes such as vegetables, fresh vegetables, fried tempeh, thepleng, and srundeng. no its ingkung (roast chicken).
* Kenduren Sabanan (Munggahan) kenduren according to the story's goal of ascending the ancestors. In did in Sha'ban, and almost the entire population in Watulawang and surrounding areas, specifically the customary still the same, as the village peniron, kajoran, and surrounding areas. Carried on during the day before the ceremony, a ritual usually done nyekar, or look watulawangnya language, namely eating ancestors came, to pray for his spirit, which is usually taken is to flowers, incense and empos (made from sharp). The tradition of burning incense is still in trust by the community watulawang, before starting this kenduren too, first in the spell incantation in and burned incense in front of the door. Menu offerings in this sabanan kenduren kenduren Wedalan little different, that is here must wear chicken pangang (ingkung).
* Kenduren Likuran this kenduren performed on the date 21 months pasa (Ramadan), which are intended to commemorate Nuzulul Qur'an. in kenduren is usually done within the scope of an RT, and housed in traditional chief, or elders in each RT. in this kenduren, residents who came to bring food from home masing2, no cones, menus grain white rice, lodeh (usually lodeh klewek) or rice noodles, peanut brittle beans, meat, and vegetables.
* Kenduren Agency (Lebaran) / mudunan kenduren was performed on day of Eid al-Fitr, on 1 Sawal (aboge). This is the same as kenduren kenduren Likuran, just a different goal is to reduce the ancestors. Which only difference being, before kenduren Agency, usually preceded by nyekar to the tomb of the noble every family.
* Kenduren Said / specific purpose in doing this kenduren by certain families who have a specific purpose or purposes, or ayng have said / way. Before This usually begins with a ritual kendurenNyekar first. and the obligatory menu, there should be ingkung (roast chicken). Kenduren is usually a lot done in the month of Suro (sacred).
* Kenduren Muludan kenduren is done on 12 months Mulud, just like kenduren likuran, undertaken at a place of elders, and brought food from their homes. usually there is a ritual in this kenduren mbeleh wedus (cut goat) which was then in amsak as muddy in watulawang (curry).


Humans In Religion and Culture

Human life is a field meeting between religions and cultures, so no separate religion from culture and no religion that faced the culture.

Religion can be regarded as the fruit of cultural preservation as well as the giver of meaning as well as the culture itself. religion and culture is a very solid marriage because first of all human beings are religious. human religiosity clearly revealed in the ability to understand the value and love him or fight for it continuously. desire to improve life and achieve a higher happiness accommodated and given space in the religion.

Religion and culture are inseparable because it has demonstrated the central role of religion in public life which is to effectively preserve and fight for the values ​​of truth, honesty, justice, peace and brotherhood. encounter of religion and culture appear in the language, habits or customs.

Religion becomes relevant and significant when the present teachings is not frozen dogmas regarding the attributes of God but in kualitan superior value, ie, love, love, brotherhood, solidarity and struggle to develop a human life.

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